From the course: UX Foundations: Research

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Desirability studies

Desirability studies

- Desirability studies allow you to ensure that your visuals match your brand goals, and evoke the desired emotional response. There are several variations. But the most common is that you show participants variations of visual designs, and ask them to select which words best describe each. The list of words you give them is based on the words that best describe your brand goals and their opposites. You can then analyze which of the designs evokes the most positive associations. If you moderate the sessions, you can ask qualitative follow-up questions to dig into why users associate certain visuals with different words. If so, the tools you need are simple. The visual designs, the list of descriptions, and a way to take notes. To reach a broader audience, you could automate the collection of responses using any remote survey tools that allow both screenshots and multiple answer question types.
