From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Adding interactive content

Adding interactive content

- Interactive content allows visitors to use the mouse or touch gestures to move items around, rearrange them, or change options to configure something. This dynamic content is often used to demonstrate product features, or to allow people to manipulate an object, for instance, to turn it around and see different angles. You see it in 3D interactions like Google Street View, for product configurators, for features such as scrollable timelines on history sites, and in news stories where you can move a slider to directly compare before and after images after a natural disaster. Configuration tools that allow manipulation can help people see the effects of different options. For instance, how bright an LCD projector's image will be at different distances from the screen, or how a new car will look with different trim choices. Interactive content can also be used to educate visitors by, for instance, showing them what's in their shopping cart by animating items into it after they click…
