From the course: Unlock Your Team's Creativity

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Guide teams into a creative mindset

Guide teams into a creative mindset

From the course: Unlock Your Team's Creativity

Guide teams into a creative mindset

- Unproductive brainstorms. We've all been in them, and we all wish we could get those hours of our life back. Next time you find yourself leading a stalled brainstorm, turn to a technique called Forced Connections. It helps inject fresh thinking into the room, and it guides people into a creative mindset. Start by writing the goal of your brainstorm on a whiteboard. Now for illustration, let's say your goal is to improve the features of product X or service Y. Now switch gears by choosing a random object that's visible to everyone in the room. Like a dry erase marker, an exit sign, or for this example, let's use my Hydro Flask. Ask the group how they'd describe the Hydro Flask in terms of a color, a texture, functionality, you get the idea. Let's see. This is insulated. It's certainly portable. Smooth. It's durable, whatever. Capture all these characteristics on a whiteboard. And now choose just three of those characteristics to tie back to your brainstorming goal. Now here you're…
