From the course: Unix Essential Training

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Ways to access Unix

Ways to access Unix - Unix Tutorial

From the course: Unix Essential Training

Ways to access Unix

- [Instructor] Let's discuss the different ways that we can access Unix. I doubt that many of you have a mainframe at your house. We also don't have to do it the old way of sending a letter to AT&T so that they'll send us a copy of Unix. Instead, there are a few different options that are easily available. The first is that if you have a macOS desktop computer, or a laptop computer, it's going to have Unix already built in, and you'll access it by going to the application directory, to utilities, and running a program called terminal. If you have a Linux computer, the program will also be called terminal, and you can get there from your desktop's application menu. If you're on Windows, you can also run Linux, but you'll need to install a little extra software to do it. It's called Windows Subsystem for Linux, or WSL for short. You can install it from the Microsoft Store and the Microsoft website includes instructions…
