From the course: Unix Essential Training

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Using the command history

Using the command history - Unix Tutorial

From the course: Unix Essential Training

Using the command history

- In this movie, we'll learn to use Unix's command history. Unix keeps track of the commands we use and that history is a useful reference that can help us to work efficiently. Here it is let's switch over to here. The way you can view the command history is with the history command. Type history and hit return and it will return a list of past commands in the order that you used them. Your list may be different than mine. You may have entered different commands and your version of history may be configured differently. We'll talk more about that in a moment. These are the same commands that we can access by using the up arrow. History just gives us a list of them. You will also notice that the history accumulates over time. If you type some commands and then log out and come back the next day, the history will still include those previous commands. Unix remembers the history by storing those commands in a file. And…
