From the course: Unix Essential Training

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Users and groups

Users and groups

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we're going to talk about file ownership and permissions. In Chapter 1, we learned that Unix is designed to be a multi-user environment, and ownership and permissions are important concepts in a multi-user environment. Each user on the system needs the ability to control access to their files by others. Some files may be shared, while other files stay private. Unix has these features built in. Even if you're the only user on the system, you still need to understand how they work. If you have different user accounts on your computer already, then each of these users will have a different login, and you can log in as different users to try it out. We also learned already that you can type whoami, and it will come back and tell you the current username. Each user gets a home directory. We saw that when we opened a new window. It drops us right into our home directory. And if we type cd followed…
