From the course: Unix Essential Training

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Unix text editors

Unix text editors

- [Instructor] In this movie, we will look at some of the text editors available for Unix. Unix has been around a long time, even before modern code editors that have graphical user interfaces. Instead we have text editors from the command line. The very first text editor was called ed, short for edit text. It was very simple, but not user-friendly. The Vi text editor was a big improvement. It allowed viewing and editing a whole document at once. Vi is short for visual editor. Vi was further improved and replaced with Vim. If you try to use Vi, chances are we'll open Vim instead. Vim is still in use and many Unix users prefer it. One key feature is that your fingers get to stay in the center of your keyboard. The same keys, perform a variety of actions by switching into different modes, normal mode, insert mode, visual mode, and so on. It can be efficient, but it's tough for beginners because you have to get used to…
