From the course: Unix Essential Training

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Root, sudo, and sudoers

Root, sudo, and sudoers - Unix Tutorial

From the course: Unix Essential Training

Root, sudo, and sudoers

- [Instructor] In this movie we're going to learn about root, sudo and sudoers. The root user is the most privileged user account. It can do absolutely anything on the Unix system. It can open any file, it can run any program. It can change any permissions. It's an all powerful user that's not bound by normal user permissions. In fact, it can create new users and delete the accounts of existing users. Have you ever watched a movie or TV show where there's some hackers who talk about getting root access or being root? This is what it refers to, if a hacker can get root on a system, they can access and change anything that they like. But logging in as the root user is not the only way to get that level of access. The sudo command, grants the privileges of the root user. Sudo stands for substitute user and do, it's not super user do as some people guess. Most often it's used to perform an action as if you were the root…
