From the course: Unix Essential Training

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Monitoring processes

Monitoring processes - Unix Tutorial

From the course: Unix Essential Training

Monitoring processes

- [Instructor] In Unix, whenever we run a command, it launches a program. And that program contacts the kernel of the operating system and asset to allocate memory and resources for it to be able to run its code. We call that a process. And the process may be very short-lived and give the user a really quick response like ls does, or it might be something that takes a long time. There can be processes that continue running throughout the time that you're using the system, and there may be background processes as well. In this movie, we're going to learn how to view and monitor the processes that are running. We're going to do that using two commands: the ps command and top. Ps is short for process status. Let's look at it first. If you go to the command line and you type ps, it'll return a list of the processes that are your processes, the one that are running that belong to you as the logged in user. You can see…
