From the course: Unix Essential Training

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File system basics

File system basics

- [Narrator] In this chapter, we will learn about the Unix filesystem and how to work with files and directories. Let's begin by looking at the basics. In Unix, we can move between directories. It's similar to how you can navigate into different directories or folders in a graphical user interface. For example, I can open up a new window, and I'm in my user home directory. And from there, I can double click on public and move into the public directory and double click on Dropbox to move inside that directory. Each time I click, I change the directory that I'm in. The current directory in Unix, is called the working directory. And the working directory is important because many Unix commands will operate based on that directory unless we tell them otherwise. For example, when I use the ls command, it's going to return a list of the contents of the working directory. When you first log in, Unix is going to set your…
