From the course: Underwater Photography: Macro

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Seeking good behavior

Seeking good behavior

- [Deke] In this chapter we'll take a look at some images that convey actual active behavior on the part of our under sea critters, and it's really about patience. You have to be willing to wait for cool things to happen. - [Hergen] So in this example, Carrie was able to get this awesome long Ribbon Eel out of its hole, free swimming and isolated against that cool black background. So here we've got one of my favorite critters, we've got a Pygmy Seahorse. And in this case we've got a pleasing image of him in profile. In this next image we've got a face on shot of that Pygmy Seahorse with his mouth open. Really looking into the camera. So to capture a image like this as Deke mentioned, you really have to be patient and wait for the behavior to happen. - [Deke] Now this next one is possibly even better. We're seeing that Pygmy Seahorse curled around that Fan Coral and he's kind of peeking out behind it. So you can see his right hand eye, the left eye, his left eye, is covered by that…
