From the course: Underwater Photography: Macro

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ISO and overall exposure

ISO and overall exposure

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll discuss the roll of ISO and its effect on the overall exposure of an image. So as with aperture, ISO is going to affect both ambient and artificial exposure. But bear in mind that unlike aperture, ISO is not an optical control, it's purely a digital one. But it is going to affect every single one of those histograms, both the luminance histogram as well as the red, green, and blue ones. - [Instructor] So now we're going to take a look at the effect of changing the ISO on a scene. So here we've got our favorite nudibranch again, and right now we're at ISO 100, which is generally the lowest that most cameras will operate at. So you can tell by the histograms on the left, the image is pretty underexposed. So we'd like to increase the exposure. So we could do that by lowering the aperture, but that would remove some of the depth of field in the image, and I don't want to do that. We could also increase our strobes, but let's for example say we couldn't…
