From the course: Underwater Photography: Macro

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Depth of field

Depth of field

- [Man] In this chapter, we'll be talking about focus as it relates to underwater macro photography. And this is a really big topic. Because after all, small adjustments are going to result in big changes when we're talking about this level of magnification. And we're going to start things off in this movie with a look at depth of field. Which is a critical concept for achieving critical focus. - [Instructor] So we're going to examine the relationship between aperture and depth of field. So over here on the right, we've got a representation of an aperture and of course that aperture is located in the lens, and it's basically an iris that can open and close and it's responsible for controlling both the total amount of light coming in and also the depth of field. And by that we mean, the area that you perceive to be in focus. - [Man] And this is ultimately a subjective determination, by the way. - [Instructor] So, when we're talking about apertures, remember that big numbers mean narrow…
