From the course: Time Management Fundamentals

Customizing your time management system

From the course: Time Management Fundamentals

Customizing your time management system

- Now that you're reaching the end of this time management course, you might wonder, what's next? For some, completing this course is all the help they wanted and that's great. I found many want a bit more guidance to further maximize the value of their time. This is where the Recommended Follow-Up Courses exercise file comes in. On it, you'll see several options to raise your time management game. It has three sections. The middle shows my most popular follow-up courses where I'd recommend you continue your journey. For example, Finding Your Time Management Style offers a self-assessment to identify how you work best and then offers specific customizations to adapt this course, Time Management Fundamentals to your unique needs. On the right, you'll see a recommended Weekly Tune Up course, Time Management Tips. It's filled with hundreds of little best practices and answers to common questions. Don't try to complete this in one sitting. Perhaps a reminder per week to watch three to four videos is enough to fine tune your time management and the bottom section lists other courses that might address your specific needs such as improving the productivity of your meetings. Scan over that list and see if any of the topics interest you. All of this is optional. Just know there are additional resources available to help you achieve your time management goals.
