From the course: The Unspoken Rules of High Performers and High Potentials

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Think like an owner

Think like an owner

And it's so easy to let those opportunities just float away like you overhear a conversation like, "Not my problem." You know, you just move along or you just say, "duh" and then -- and you don't say anything or you feel nervous. It's like, you know, I've got an idea here, but I don't know if it's my place to say, it's a temporary contract. I'm sure they probably thought of it before. And you can just talk yourself out of it in seconds instead of pursuing an opportunity which can be game-changing. Oh, yeah. It's like we're all walking down an art gallery on a daily basis in our lives, and we're looking at the same painting, but coming to different conclusions around what this painting depicts. So someone else in this very same situation might look at the scenario that this individual was in and think, "Yeah. This is someone else's problem," to your point. But even the slightest tweak in how we see ourselves and how we fit into the big picture can make a big difference. So one of the…
