From the course: The Science of Logo Design

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ARMMed and dangerous

ARMMed and dangerous

- [Instructor] What makes a logo good? Many people believe that a good logo is simply a graphical mark that looks interesting and professionally produced. In fact, many sites on the internet offer generic logos produced by talented graphic designers. Their claim is that all you need to do is add your brand name to their generic logo and you're all set. Many also believe that logos of successful companies that have been around a long time, like Coca Cola, and General Motors, are good by virtue of the fact that the brands have been around a long time. But in this course, we've learned that both of these beliefs are incorrect. When we look through the lens of the science of logo design that is, what makes logos work our brains according to research and experiment, a good logo is defined by the degree to which it accomplishes four cognitive events in the minds of viewers, and that is the ARMM Model. To recap, ARMM is an acronym. The A is for attention, a good logo grabs attention. The R…
