From the course: The DIY Photographer

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Using a painter pole to get an aerial-type look

Using a painter pole to get an aerial-type look

From the course: The DIY Photographer

Using a painter pole to get an aerial-type look

- Hi and welcome to The DIY Photographer. I'm your host Joseph Linaschke. Today's DIY tip is a little bit more tip than DIY, but as you'll see this is something that can come in very handy for a lot of different situations. The situation we have today, is we're outdoors shooting a picture of a building. Now I'm sure as you've seen before, when you take pictures of buildings, or houses, or anything like that, when you're standing on the ground, pointing up, it doesn't really look quite right. If you want the building to look its best, you want the line to be vertical, not tilted up or down. So let's first of all take a look at what we can get just standing here on the ground with our camera. Now the first shot I want to get is with the lines nice and straight, but unfortunately to do that, it means that I have to include a lot of the parking lot in the picture. Well, that's not any good. So let's tilt the camera up to cut out the parking lot, but then of course, our lines start to…
