From the course: The DIY Photographer

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Light diffusion with parchment paper

Light diffusion with parchment paper

From the course: The DIY Photographer

Light diffusion with parchment paper

- Hi, and welcome to the DIY Photographer. I'm your host Joseph Linaschke. In earlier tips we talked about a couple of things. We talked about these binder clips and how useful they can be in a whole variety of photographic situations and we also talked about these clamp lamps, a very inexpensive way to bring artificial lighting into your photographic world. Today we're going to put these two things together along with a third object, this thing right here, simple baking parchment paper. Now why baking paper? Well for one, it's really inexpensive, but two, baking paper is designed for high heat. On the box it said this can handle up to 420 degrees, which means if I use this parchment paper to diffuse my light I don't have to worry about the paper getting set on fire by the hot lamps in here so of course a very useful thing. So what we're going to do is use this paper to diffuse the light. Now see here I've got this direct lightbulb shining onto my subject, this little plastic camera…
