From the course: The DIY Photographer

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Creating your own shadow casters

Creating your own shadow casters

From the course: The DIY Photographer

Creating your own shadow casters

- Photography is all about light which also means it's all about shadows. Now if you take a light and shine it onto your backdrop just to illuminate it nice and clean and smooth, that can work out great but sometimes that smooth, clean background isn't really what you want. Sometimes you need something a little bit more dynamic, with a little bit of texture, little bit of depth to it, and you get that depth through shadows. Now there's lots of ways you can make shadows, of course you can make little shadow puppets but that's probably not quite what you're looking for for you photos, maybe something a little bit more controlled a little more more designed and with that in mind, I present to you the shadow caster. Or in the technical world this is called a cookie, if you're working in the film space you're gonna call these things cookies, not the kind you eat, but the something that goes in between the light and the backdrop to create a shadow. And the first cookie that I've got here…
