From the course: Talent Sourcing

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Keys to sourcing success

Keys to sourcing success

From the course: Talent Sourcing

Keys to sourcing success

- The competition for top talent continues to escalate. Your ability to understand where to find talent your competitors don't have is key to your success in sourcing the best talent. All too often you can get comfortable with your go-to resources when there are so many other resources and techniques that you can use to find top talent. Your sourcing training doesn't have to end here. If you'd like to learn more, there are other great courses right here that I encourage you to check out. Please go to my Instructor page on LinkedIn Learning to see more of my courses. You would also benefit by reading my book, "High Tech High-Touch Recruiting", available wherever books are sold. I also encourage you to take courses that are offered on all the tools you can use in your candidate search, such as LinkedIn, LinkedIn Recruiter, Facebook, Twitter, and so many more. The better you know how to use these tools, the better your…
