From the course: Talent Management

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Recruit and hire the right people

Recruit and hire the right people

From the course: Talent Management

Recruit and hire the right people

- Like many other business and HR leaders, you want to cut down the time and money you spend on hiring. You want the best people for every job and you don't want to panic each time a key person leaves. That means it's critical to recruit and hire the right people. And it's just as important to have people lined up in advance for future needs. Having a pool of people you identify in advance of your needs is called having a talent pipeline. A talent pipeline includes employees as well as potential hires from outside the company. Here are three steps you'll use to recruit, hire, and build a strong talent pipeline. First, you'll build a workplace plan which is a plan that outlines what kind of talent you need to have now and for the future. This plan is a document that outlines how many people you'll need and what types of roles you'll need by team in each quarter or each year. During the business goal setting process,…
