From the course: Talent Management

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Increase talent visibility

Increase talent visibility

From the course: Talent Management

Increase talent visibility

- Talented employees are the engine behind business performance. Research shows that 20% of employees contribute 80% of business results so you want the organization to benefit as much as it can from these talented individuals and the only way to do that is to make sure that leaders know who they are and maximize their contribution across the company. It seems obvious that leaders would know who the talented employees are in the company but that's not necessarily the case. Leaders may not know who's out there, who's great at what, what their career aspirations are and if they're at risk of leaving the company. Believe it or not, managers who are afraid of losing their best team members may not share information about them outside the team. There are two main ways you can help talent be more visible across the organization, formal and informal. Many companies have a formal talent review process where individuals are…
