From the course: Talent Management

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Create a strong HR–business partnership

Create a strong HR–business partnership

From the course: Talent Management

Create a strong HR–business partnership

- 20 years ago, human resources was called the personnel department and their primary function was hiring and firing. Just as the name has changed, the role of human resources has also changed. Today, HR is a strategic partner helping the business identify talent needs, find and retain the right people, develop employee skills and capabilities and plan for the future and in a recent survey, business leaders said they'd like HR to be even more involved. So let's take a look at how HR can play an even bigger role in talent management. HR needs to be involved in business strategy planning sessions. Get the corporate business plan and calendar and attend the critical meetings. Learn what talent is needed and build the talent strategy side by side with business leaders. When HR is at the table from the beginning, the talent strategy can be developed to directly support business goals. Business leaders also said they'd…
