From the course: Talent Management

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Build a successful talent plan

Build a successful talent plan

From the course: Talent Management

Build a successful talent plan

- Studies show that companies who have effective talent management have greater financial performance than others. Better talent at all levels allows companies to outperform their competitors but despite their best efforts, companies still struggle to do talent management well. In a recent Harvard study, only 19% of leaders said their company brings in talented people. Only 3% said their company develops people effectively. And 8% said they retain high performers. Imagine if these scores referred to customer service or quality. No company would accept these scores. So if talent management can have such a great impact on businesses, why is it to hard to get right? Because business leaders, not HR, need to drive talent management. After all, business leaders make the hiring and firing decisions, promote employees, provide career opportunities and evaluate performance. All too often talent management is seen as an HR…
