From the course: Tableau Essential Training

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Edit and delete groups

Edit and delete groups

- [Instructor] Many times the groups you create in Tableau will be permanent, such as when a company changes its name. However, there will be times when you create a group to help with specific analysis and need to change it. When you want to change your group, either by altering its alias, adding values or deleting it, you can do so quickly. In this movie, I will demonstrate those tasks using 07_04_EditGroups, and that is a sample file you can find in the Chapter07 folder of the Exercise Files collection. This workbook contains a single worksheet, and I already have a group created, and you can see it here. It's called Sales Region group. And you can tell it's a group in the navigation pane because it has a paperclip icon next to it. If I want to change the name of the group, then I can click the pill's down arrow, and then click rename and that highlights the text, and I will call it East Coast US and press Enter. So…
