From the course: SwiftUI Essential Training

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The code window and canvas

The code window and canvas

- [Speaker] With all that background now, it's time to do some SwiftUI coding in introducing you to the work environment. Open up the canvas again with the command option return. And if you need to resume the preview it builds and shows you the device and preview of the code you're working on. That default implementation of preview type is whatever you have set in your simulator. Currently I have it for iPhone 14 Pro here. Now I'm going to change that. So we're going to make that a Pro Max in this case. I'm going to go down here to Pro Max after clicking on the Pro and set that up to Pro Max. It may take a few minutes for you to do that depending if you've got that simulator loaded or not. And you can zoom in and out on the image if you want using the little buttons on the side here. There's also one to turn it to 100% and one that you can fit it in the window. And I tend to use the fit and window one the most. Now with…
