From the course: SwiftUI Essential Training

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Challenge: Debugging

Challenge: Debugging

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] For this challenge, we have a few bugs to work out. In OrderDetailView, the order and cancel buttons don't appear to be doing anything. So what we're going to do is hide the Cancel button and we're going to place an alert on order that it added a pizza. And you're also going to take that order and change it to Updates, since that's more functionally what is going on here. Now, for some of you, you may actually see a circle here. And if you do see a circle, try to figure out how you can get rid of that circle. I'm going to show you the best way to handle something like that, which is some form of background problem, and so we'll figure out a good way to solve that one. Now, secondly, we're going to work on OrderRowView. OrderRowView currently has the pizza name, quantity, price and extended price. I want to add some more information to it. So next to the name of the pizza, I want you…
