From the course: Supporting Indigenous Rights

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Promising practice: Canada

Promising practice: Canada

- In our learning, we aim to honor an Indigenous worldview so many different things, food, music, ceremony, language, and religion, to name a few. Now, imagine that one or many of these were taken away from you. For instance, if you weren't allowed to listen to the music you like anymore, try for a moment to consider how this disconnect from things that make you who you are would feel. How might this negatively impact your identity? If this went on for a long time, what would happen to the identity of generations after you? For Indigenous peoples, their identity is shaped by their ancestral land. Unfortunately, they became disconnected from their land through the process of colonization, and this has caused spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental distress to generations of indigenous peoples. It can be difficult to come to terms with knowing that the act of colonization dispossessed indigenous peoples of land that you now occupy and benefit from. The videos in this next section…
