From the course: Storytelling for Data and Design

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- Well done on completing the course and taking a giant step towards becoming an incredible storyteller. Hopefully by now you've learned the building blocks of a story, how to research and analyze an audience and how to use the power of storyboarding to translate your ideas into fully fledged narratives. Indeed, storyboards are a great vehicle for organizing your thoughts and expressing them to an audience effectively. But remember, don't get caught up in how well drawn or artistic your storyboard is, but rather focus on the content and message behind the story you're trying to tell. That is what matters. For those of you who want to learn more, I've created a special section in the exercise files where you can access some awesome resources like our illustration library, storyboard templates and my other courses on the LinkedIn Learning platform. As a person who always seeks great discussions and challenging problems, I…
