From the course: SQL for Non-Programmers

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DQL for all

DQL for all

By Learning Data Query Language, more commonly known as DQL, within the SQL command families, you can tap into the full potential of your data and supercharge your career. DQL commands allow you to query or retrieve data from a database. For both the broad population and data professionals alike, DQL is the most common command family to begin working with, and possibly, the only one you'll ever need. But how does this fit into the broader SQL world? SQL commands can be grouped into four main families, depending on the application, whether that be creating or deleting tables, pulling data for further analysis, assigning access permissions, and more. These command families are denoted by three-letter acronyms: DDL, DCL, DML, and as already mentioned, DQL. The first letter always stands for data and the last letter for language. The middle letter is what distinguishes them. An easy way to remember these command families is in the order that you may manage a database: define, control…
