From the course: Software Architecture: Patterns for Developers

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Combining patterns

Combining patterns

- [Narrator] Software architecture patterns can be combined with each other. Some will rule each other out, but others can be combined and often it makes sense to do so. We split up the patterns into three categories: application landscape patterns, application structure patterns, and user interface patterns. At the very least, you could take one application landscape pattern, one structural pattern, and one user interface pattern. For example, we could write a monolith that uses the microkernel pattern internally and has an MVP-based UI. Here's another example. If you have a distributed application landscape, you might have multiple microservices. This is your application landscape. Each of these services could take their own approach using what's best for that service. One of them could implement CQRS while another might follow a layered architecture. And then you might write that MVC application for the user…
