From the course: Social Cues No One Teaches You

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Showing engagement

Showing engagement

Showing engagement in conversation can really build trust, whether it's in professional or personal relationships, by really showing the person that you are interested in what they have to say. Nonverbal cues are really important in a conversation because sometimes people are saying even more with their body language than they ever could with their words. A couple of examples of positive nonverbal cues in an interaction are making eye contact, of course, and the person doesn't have to be constantly staring at you. You don't have to be constantly staring at them. But, you know, maintaining some consistent eye contact. I've also heard that if the person's feet are pointed towards you, then that indicates that they're interested in the conversation, in the interaction. And also if they keep an open stance, you know, like this versus like a closed stance when they're crossing their arms, you know, I think that's one of the classic signs of, you know, being open to the conversation and the…
