From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Strive for perfection

Strive for perfection

- People will do better in their jobs if they know what is expected out of them personally, with their teams, and as an organization. We want to improve everything we do every single day. We can always get better day-in and day-out. And that is a striving for perfection. In Lean, this everyday improvement is demonstrated in the core values of recognizing that it's natural for people to make mistakes. But we need to make it easier to do the process right than to do it wrong. The goal for Lean and Six Sigma is to strive for perfection by reducing variation and meeting customer demands. The customer is known to make specifications for processes. Statistically speaking, Six Sigma is a process that produces 3.4 defects per million opportunities. A defect is defined as any event that is outside of the customer's specifications. The opportunities are considered any of the total number of chances for that defect to occur.…
