From the course: Shopify Essential Training

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Create a page

Create a page

- [Instructor] With Shopify, you can create and edit as many pages as you want. For our store, we want to have an about page, so let's create one. Under the admin, we can go to online store and then go down to pages. We can see we already have a contact page. Let's add a new about page. I'll click add page, and I'll call this about. I'll go ahead and add some content. I've gone ahead and created my own about page based on what feels true to my brand and what might inspire confidence in my potential customers. If you don't know where to start with an about page, Shopify has some great tips in one of their blog posts. Now, this is a WYSIWYG editor, meaning what you see is what you get, so we can go ahead and bold, italicize, and do whatever we want to this copy to make it stick out a little bit more, and we'll see those changes on the frontend of the site. It's just like editing something in Microsoft Word. There are two…
