From the course: Selenium Essential Training

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Using autocomplete

Using autocomplete

- [Instructor] In this video I'll demonstrate an example of automating an autocomplete field using the Google Places API. Fields using autocomplete are useful to know how to automate because they are commonly used in websites today, especially when filling out addresses. To start with I'll open the exercise file for this video. From the welcome to IntelliJ IDEA menu I will select open and navigate to the exercise file under chapter two 02_03 and I will open the start directory. Once the project opens I want to build it. I will select build in the top level menu and then build the project. Next I'll focus on the autocomplete test class. This test starts with the same details as in the last video by importing all necessary packages on lines one through four and inside the main method of the test on line nine it sets the property of the location to the ChromeDriver. Make sure to go ahead and update this to the path of where ever ChromeDriver is located on your computer. On line 11 a new…
