From the course: Selenium Essential Training

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Use cloud-based testing tools

Use cloud-based testing tools - Selenium Tutorial

From the course: Selenium Essential Training

Use cloud-based testing tools

- [Instructor] Cloud-based test tools allow for hundreds of thousands of combinations of cross-browser, cross-device, and cross-platform testing. It's an alternative for building out your own Selenium Grid infrastructure where you don't have to worry about maintaining that infrastructure yourself. With cloud-based test tools, virtual machines can be spun up on demand with a certain set of specifications, run test, and then shut down. The cloud-based test tool that I recommend using is Sauce Labs, which you can learn more about on their website, shown here at It is easy to set up and offers great support. In addition, Sauce Labs offers the following advantages. It supports all major programming languages. It allows for real device testing in addition to using emulators. It is also a great option to run Selenium test and integrates well with major CI servers, like the ones I mentioned in the last video. Sauce Labs is also super easy to set up in your project. All you need…
