From the course: Selenium Essential Training

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Browser drivers

Browser drivers

- [Instructor] I want to take a minute to talk more in detail about the browser drivers used to run test in WebDriver. Each of the major browsers has their own driver, which are maintained by the browser vendor and not Selenium. All the drivers are written in the same language as the browser, and a thin wrapper is implemented around the browser driver, which makes it easy to use the bindings without knowing how the code is working under the hood. More information about the browser drivers can be found at And on this page, scroll down to the third-party drivers, bindings, and plugins section, and each of the browser drivers are listed below. There are a few similarities between the browser drivers. First, there is usually some setup required in order to use them, their API functionality is all pretty similar to allow the same functionality between each driver, and all the drivers are part of the W3C spec standard, which means they follow certain guidelines…
