From the course: Security Tips

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Encrypted email

Encrypted email

- [Instructor] Email is an extremely popular way of sending information back and forth. It's been around for decades, it's fairly easy to integrate into your workflow, and, unfortunately, it's all plain text. While many providers nowadays offer encrypted transport for the messages back and forth between mail clients and mail servers, there are still times that the transport is not encrypted, and actual messages are still just plain text, meaning that when they're stored on a client or on a server, they're fairly easily readable by anyone who has access to the files. And if you're the kind of person who wants to make sure those files aren't readable by unauthorized people, there is a solution. We can use tools to encrypt the text of messages and send that encrypted text as the body of the email, instead. And, then, only the person with the the correct password or key would be able to read the encrypted message. The capability of encrypting and decrypting mail and for managing the keys…
