From the course: SAP S/4HANA: Beyond the Basics

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Printing reports

Printing reports

- [Instructor] Data is sometimes best viewed on a hard copy printout format. Let's look at printing reports in SAP. We'll enter transaction code va05, our list of sales orders report. Now we'll execute this report. To print this report, we can simply go to our print icon and choose print. Our output device should be defined with whatever the local printer that we want to print to is set as. Because we're digital, we want to print this to PDF, so we have PDF 1 selected, and we want this to print immediately. So we'll leave the print time set. Now we'll choose Continue. Our printer is set to print to PDF and we'll click Okay. Because our file is digital we have to give our file a name. We'll enter va05 printout and click Save. Now we'll go to our desktop. We'll double click and we can see that our report has been successfully printed in this case to PDF. The other option will be to export to Excel and…
