From the course: SAP S/4HANA: Beyond the Basics

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Creating a personal list

Creating a personal list

- [Narrator] Many transactions can be repetitive. We end up selecting the same options over and over. Creating personal lists in fields can simplify our day-to-day work. Let's create a personal list now. We'll do it in the create sales document transaction by using transaction code VA01. Assume that there are only two types of orders we create on a regular basis. We want to create a personal list in our order type field. We'll click the match code button to see our possible options. We have 132 regular entries, but we only use two of them. We're now going to create a personal list. The first order type we want to add is OR1 for a standard order. We'll click the find, OR1, find, now that we have this option highlighted we'll click insert and personal list. Now we'll find our other order type. We'll click find and RE. Now we'll insert our RE, returns, into our personal list. Now we'll close. The next time we come into…
