From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

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Exporting reports from SAP

Exporting reports from SAP - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

Exporting reports from SAP

- [Instructor] While we can do things like filter and sort our report results inside SAP, it's often more practical to work with our data in Excel. Let's look at exporting reports to Excel. We'll enter our List Of Sales Orders report using transaction code va05. We won't enter any selection criteria and we'll press Execute. We're now ready to export our report. We'll go to More, List, Export and Spreadsheet. We're now able to choose from available formats. We'll leave the default of Excel - Open Office XML Format, and click Continue. Now we need to name our export. We'll call this Sales Order Report, and click Save. Excel opens automatically. We now have a successful export of our report and we're able to manipulate our data with all the functionality available in Excel.
