From the course: Running Jenkins on AWS

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What's a webhook?

What's a webhook?

- [Instructor] Before we move on, I wanted to take a moment to explain webhooks. A webhook is a way for applications to notify each other that something has happened, usually, the notification is sent via HTTP and is accompanied by details describing the event. In many ways, activating a webhook is a lot like placing an online order. The event is created when the order is placed. Once the order is ready for delivery, a courier notifies the recipient by ringing the doorbell or knocking on the door and then delivers the package. In our case, we'll be creating events by pushing code to a GitHub repository. GitHub will store the code and then notify Jenkins that new code has been committed to the repository and is ready to be deployed. The notification gets sent via an HTTP post to the webhook endpoint that Jenkins uses to receive these notifications. Essentially, the webhook is the door that GitHub knocks on. Along with a notification, Jenkins receives additional data, including the name…
