From the course: Running Jenkins on AWS

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Create the Jenkins EC2 instance

Create the Jenkins EC2 instance - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Running Jenkins on AWS

Create the Jenkins EC2 instance

- [Instructor] With a security group and a key pair in place, we can create the EC2 instance that we'll use for our Jenkins Master. On the EC2 Dashboard, we can start by clicking the launch instance button. This starts a wizard that will walk us through the EC2 creation process. On the first screen, we need to select the Amazon Machine Image, or AMI, that we want to use. We'll be using a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS image for our Jenkins Master. So in the search bar, I'll type Ubuntu. This narrows down the results to eight images, and the first one is the one we're looking for, so I'll select that one. The next step is choosing the instance type. The T2 Micro, which is eligible for the free tier, should provide just enough CPU and memory for our Jenkins server. So I'll keep that selection and click next. On step three, we can provide a bit more configuration for the instance. Most of the settings we can leave as default since we're using the default VPC, and there's no preference for the sub-net.…
