From the course: Resume Makeover

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Choose the right resume format

Choose the right resume format

From the course: Resume Makeover

Choose the right resume format

- Now it's time to choose a format for your resume. The most common formats used today are the reverse chronological resume, the functional resume, the hybrid resume, and the infographic. I'll define each so that you can decide which one's right for you. The reverse chronological resume is one that lists your work experience from your current or most recent job backwards with an overview of each role and your key accomplishments. I have a strong preference for this format as do many recruiters and hiring managers. It's familiar, it's easy to skim, and it gives you a straightforward way to show your career progression. By the way, you'll find a visual comparison of these different formats in the exercise files. Now, functional resumes. I see these being used most often by people who have substantial career gaps or no experience, or those working to pivot into a new career. A functional resume puts much more…
