From the course: Recruiting Foundations

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Track metrics

Track metrics

- The recruiting process is a sales profession and as a result, numbers can become very important in our ability to predict and quantify the results that we need to achieve on a daily basis. Recruiting is a data driven process and so we need to identify and track performance indicators so we know what results to achieve every single day. I'm a firm believer that what you don't measure really doesn't count and there are so many benefits of tracking metrics and I can tell you that the most successful recruiters in our profession know their numbers. And these are some of the metrics that they track, number one, they understand the daily results that you must attain and so you've got to know what results do I need every day, not how many phone calls do I make but what results do I need every day. Metrics will also take the emotion out of your critical daily decisions. Third, you make informed strategic decisions utilizing data, again, taking the emotion out of the process. Number four…
