From the course: Recruiting Foundations

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Touch and follow up

Touch and follow up

- I'd like you to think for a moment about the most successful relationships that you've had throughout your life. And I want you to think about the desirable traits that the individuals has that were in these relationships with you. Because your goal as a recruiter is to help nurture lifetime relationships with your candidates and your hiring authorities. And in great relationships, there's three questions that everybody wants answered. Number one, can I trust you? Number two, do you care about me as an individual? And number three, are you going to do what you're telling me that you're going to do? And so when you think about those three questions that people are asking, it comes down to three things, trust, care, and do. And you have to be very aware of those three things throughout your interactions with your candidates and your hiring authorities in your entire career as a recruiter. Now, when should you follow up with hiring authorities? Because, again, often we do a great job…
