From the course: Recruiting Foundations

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Recruiting methods

Recruiting methods

- Technology has triggered massive changes in the way hiring authorities identify talent. It also has triggered massive changes in the way candidates are looking for a job, which, of course, affects us in the recruiting profession. What big data does is provide insight into recruiting efforts. It also helps identify certain skills and abilities and characteristics that are linked to a candidate's potential to perform in certain jobs. The nice part about this, too, is that candidates have social media presence, and it's amazing the incredible amount of data that recruiters can find out about a person just by their social media presence. There are also platforms that scrape data, which assists in the recruiting process. You can uncover where the best talent is hanging out. This can include, chat lines, or online forums, many of them are in blogs or having meetups. There's also industry related sites where these candidates are going. It's important for you to find out where your…
