From the course: Recruiting Foundations

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Obtain thorough specs through creative questioning

Obtain thorough specs through creative questioning

From the course: Recruiting Foundations

Obtain thorough specs through creative questioning

- In the recruiting profession it's actually the recruiter who learns to ask creative questions that's going to succeed throughout their profession. What you want to do is uncover the challenges, the priorities and the problems of both your clients and your candidates. And then position yourself as the solution. And you can't position yourself as the solution if you sell too fast. So as anxious as we are to get the CVs and resumes from our candidates and get the requisitions from our hiring authorities, we have to take the time to take a deep breath, stand back and uncover what's most important to the other people first so we can properly position ourselves. There's three very important facts I want you to remember. If you ask the best questions, it will result in more hires. If you identify priorities, what you're going to do is you're going to shorten the time it takes to get an offer and a hire. And lastly, if you ask creative questions, what you have to do is really ask questions…
