From the course: Recruiting Foundations

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Candidate referrals

Candidate referrals

- One of the greatest you're going to face as a recruiter in today's competitive job market is how do you find the candidates that your hiring authorities really want to hire? They don't want to get the same people from you that they're attracting by their websites and their job board ads. And, so, the best way to find these candidates is to obtain referrals. And, word of mouth advertising is one of the best ways to obtain those referrals. I want you to ask yourself the following questions. What is your referral system? Do you even have one? And, if you have a referral system, do you have set times when you ask for referrals? A very important question, how are you tracking them? And, last and certainly not least, how do you express thanks to the people who are giving you referrals? See, people do things for their own reasons. And, it was no coincidence that referrals in my organization tripled when we started compensating for referred business. Now, another thing you have to keep in…
