From the course: Recruiting Foundations

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Attract top talent

Attract top talent

- One of the greatest complaints I hear from many recruiters is it's really hard to find top talent. The answer I'd like to provide to that statement is that is the best marketplace for recruiters. That's great for recruiters. When it's hard to find people, hiring authorities need us more. If it was easy to fill jobs, you wouldn't have a job as a recruiter because there'd be no needs. Now, there are traditional resources that recruiters have used for years. Website postings, job board ads, and social media connections. But what you have to do now, in addition to that, is surface those passive candidates that are not necessarily in an active job search. So this involves you mastering recruiting presentations that are going to attract people that are working, but they make a change for the right opportunity that represented their next career move. Now there's certain things that you have to do prior to making a recruiting presentation. The first thing is, you've got to become…
